A National Level Technical Symposium

Conducted by the ASCONIC On 14th February 2024

Register Now


Registration Fees

"Rs 300/-"

On-spot registration is available Lunch and refreshments will be provided

Technical Events

Paper Presentation

Topic: Any Technical Topics.
Mail your abstract and ppt to cornucopiasritece@gmail.com Last Date for Paper Submission : 10-02-2024

Project Expo

Team size should not exceed 4 members. The project for competition must be displayed and presented with an effective PowerPoint presentation. The presentation should contain a simple description about their project.


Team size should not exceed 4 members. Image will be projected in the screen. Participants have to find the Connections between the Images.

Technical Quiz

Quiz questions will be based on technical concepts. Individual participation or team less than 4 members.

Circuit Debugging

Team size should not exceed 4 members. circuits will be given as printout, the Participants need to debug and justify it.

Register Now



Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology
Pachapalayam (Post),
Perur Chettipalayam,
Coimbatore - 641 010.
Phone: +91-422-2605577
Email id: cornucopiasritece@gmail.com

Student Coordinators

Mohamed Roshan.I - 8124072591
Aakash.R - 9943765997
Dhivakar.S - 8148421409
Tharun.l - 8939579557
Kiran Sakthivel.A - 9442173548

Developed by Department Of Electronics and Communication Engineering